The mosques in Khin Oo Township were burned and destroyed by the terrorist army, as well as holding prayers and celebrating the Eid festival.
It is reported that the mosques in Khin Oo Township were burned and destroyed by the terrorist army, and the Eid festival was held today after prayers were held in Sagaing Division.
At the Jamang Mosque in Thayetkone village, we saw scenes of Eid Namaz being recited this morning.
It is said that the Thayetkone village mosque was burned and destroyed by terrorist soldiers on May 29, 2022, and before it could be repaired, the roof was overturned by the MOCHA storm in May 2023.
Every year on the 10th of Zul Hajj, Muslims pray to Allah on the day of Eid, the sacrifice of Qurbani. Obeying the order of Allah the Exalted and sacrificing Qurbani. Along with doing good deeds, they celebrate by doing the virtues of giving and donating to the poor.