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Sky News Wins International Emmy Award for Documentary on Myanmar's Spring Revolution

Sky News has won an International Emmy Award for its documentary “The Last Hospital: 30 Days in Myanmar." The film highlights the challenges faced by revolutionary medical teams in Karenni State amid the ongoing conflict in Myanmar.

Filmed in a concealed jungle location, “The Last Hospital” showcases the dedication of healthcare workers trying to provide medical care in dangerous conditions. It also reveals evidence of war crimes committed by the Myanmar military.

Sky News chief correspondent Stuart Ramsay and his team lived undercover with the Karenni National Defense Force (KNDF) for a month to capture this powerful story. During the Emmy Awards ceremony in New York on September 25, Ramsay thanked senior producer Dominique van Heerden for her support in making the project a reality.

Ramsay praised the bravery of the healthcare workers, noting that their involvement increases the risks they face.

"It was vitally important that they helped us film—but they were in so much danger because we were even there," he said. "It was dangerous for them, it took a long period of discussions with them to let us in."

Sky's chief correspondent finished with a reminder of how vital it is that journalists continue to report from places such as warzones: "If we don't go, nobody knows what's happening," he told the audience.

“The Last Hospital” stood out among strong competition, including entries from GloboNews in Brazil and the BBC in the UK.


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