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Restrictions on Flood Relief Supplies in Taungoo's Sittaung River Region

Flood relief donations to villages east of the Sittaung River in Taungoo, Bago Region, are being restricted, according to reports from rescue groups. Relief supplies are being inspected and limited at the Military Council checkpoint on the Sittaung Bridge.

Rice, medicine, batteries, and fuel are being restricted. If you bring rice, it must be reported to the commanding office at the Sasana Beikman. You cannot carry more than 10 bags, and other items like medicine, batteries, and fuel are not allowed at all," said one rescue worker.

Some relief groups have been turned away due to the strict inspections, leading them to donate their supplies in Taungoo instead of crossing the bridge. More than 40 villages on the eastern side of the Sittaung River are reportedly facing difficulties, with limited access to food and drinking water.


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