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NUG Ministry of Defence Warns of Malicious Individuals Using 'PDF' Name for Extortion Scam

1. The Ministry of Defence of the National Unity Government has discovered that individuals seeking to undermine the People’s Revolution are misusing the names and logos of the People’s Defence Force (PDF) battalions, military columns, and People’s Defence Teams (Pa Ka Pha) under its command. These individuals are sending extortion letters, voice recordings, and videos to business owners and the public, threatening them and demanding money, and are distributing these materials online.

2. It has been verified that these letters are not issued by the PDF battalions, military columns, or People’s Defence Teams (Pa Ka Pha) under the command of the Ministry of Defence. Instead, they are fabricated and disseminated by proxies of the terrorist military council with the explicit intention of tarnishing the reputation of the People’s Revolution.

3. Business owners and the public are requested to contact the Ministry of Defence via email at or the Complaint Committee at to verify the authenticity of letters purportedly issued by the PDF battalions, military columns, or People’s Defence Teams (Pa Ka Pha) under the command of the National Unity Government’s Ministry of Defence.

4. Should it be confirmed that the actions were undertaken by a PDF/Pa Ka Pha unit or any of its members, we hereby formally notify the public that strict measures will be taken in accordance with the military disciplinary regulations of the PDF.

Ministry of Defence

National Unity Government


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