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NLD said that the party will exist as long as there are people

NLD said that the party will exist as long as there are people

The National League for Democracy (NLD) responded that it was illegal for the Military Council Election Commission to declare the dissolution of political parties, saying that the party will exist as long as there are people.

The military council announced on March 28th, yesterday, that 40 existing political parties that did not apply for registration within 60 days would be dissolved as parties in accordance with Section 25 of the Political Parties Registration Law.

However, the NLD Central Work Committee stated in today's statement that the Military Council, which violates existing laws, is not valid, and the Election Commission, which is under the control of the Military Council, does not have the right to approve the dissolution of political parties.

"It is clearly accepted that the seizure of power is illegal. In accordance with such acceptance, the registration of political parties, which is the follow-up to the start, preparing to fill in. In addition,

with all the preparation and formation of the Union Election Commission, We have determined that it is illegal," said a member of the NLD Party Central Committee.

The statement of the NLD Central Work Committee stated that as the National League for Democracy is a party that only accepts the people's decisions, the party will exist as long as there are people, and will make every effort to meet the expectations of the people.

Daw Aung San Suu Kyi, the leader of the NLD party, who has been arrested and imprisoned since the military council seized power, said in 2021 that "the party will exist as long as the people exist."

After the coup military council amended and approved the political parties registration law at the beginning of this year, it was written into the law that all existing parties must re-register within sixty days. The Military Council's Political Parties Registration Law states that parties that do not re-register are automatically void. Therefore, the Military Council Election Commission has announced that the forty parties that have not been re-registered by March 28th, which is the sixty-day deadline, have been dissolved.

Among the parties announced to be dissolved are the seven political parties that won the 2020 election, including the NLD and SNLD, the Arakan League for Democracy, a political party that was elected in 1990 and the Human Society New Democratic Party. The statement of the NLD Central Committee also stated that it recognizes and respects political parties that stand together with the people and do not register with the Military Council Election Commission.

During the previous NaAPha military government, NLD party was disbanded because they stated that the 2008 Basic Law and 2010 election rules were not re-registered which was unfair. At that time, the chairman of the commission was U Thein Soe, the current chairman of the Military Council Commission. After that, after President U Thein Sein and the NLD party came to an agreement to go through the parliament to amend the constitution, the party participated in the 2012 by-election.

However, according to the current situation, there is no reason for past incidents to happen again, said U Bobo Oo, a member of the NLD Party Central Committee.

"When we went to the 2012 by-election, the political pattern changed only because we met the demands we asked for." As we consider, Let us make it clear like that," he said.

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Japan announced today that the dissolution of the National League for Democracy (NLD), led by public leader Daw Aung San Suu Kyi, and its exclusion from politics will make it more difficult to resolve the Myanmar issue.


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