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Nearly 3,000 local residents fled because of heavy weapons.

Nearly 3,000 local residents fled because of heavy weapons.

A civilian from Kazai village was injured and 2,892 civilians are fleeing due to the military council firing heavy weapons in the area controlled by the Karen National Union (KNU) Brigade 1 in Mon State's Thahton Township, the KNU center reported.

35-year-old Daw Ma Win was injured when the Military Council's Infantry Battalion Khmera-9 and Artillery Battalion Amata-314 fired with heavy weapons. Ziyun Village, Civilians in Win Gyi villages are fleeing.

A resident said that since the morning of July 21, they had fired at least 15 times with heavy weapons.

Residents said that the fleeing civilians had to go to the nearby villages and the Buddhist buildings in Thahton town.

KNU reported on July 16 that there are nearly six hundred thousand (599,400) war refugees who have fled their homes in the KNU-controlled area due to the military conflict, of which more than two hundred and sixty thousand (269,633) have received assistance.


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