Nearly 1,600 residents had to flee due to a military raid on Mone City
On September 18, KNU reported that 12 houses were burned down and nearly 1,600 civilians were displaced due to military patrols in Mone, an area controlled by the Karen National Union (KNU) in Bago. It is said that since September 14 in the area controlled by the 3rd Brigade, 1,534 people from Yaele(Kayin) village and Yaele(Burma) village are fleeing because the 3rd Brigade has been encamping in Mone city. The KNU has released that the refugees have difficulty facing shelter and food because they are fleeing in the rainy season.
The military council forces are attacking the area of the 3rd KNU brigade, and civilians have been injured as a result of heavy weapons and airstrikes.
According to the list compiled by RFA, from January to September 18, 2023, 40 civilians were killed and 99 were injured in Bago airstrikes.
According to the United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (UNOCHA) on September 8, more than 111,000 civilians were forced to flee their homes due to conflicts in the eastern part of Bago after the coup.