Myanmar Women Parliamentary Representatives Network and Women Parliamentarians Caucus Group (WPC) of Sri Lanka Hluttaw held a meeting and discussion.
A meeting between the Myanmar Women Parliamentarians Network and the Women Parliamentarians Caucus of the Sri Lanka Hluttaw was held on June 7, at 10 a.m., they held a video conference.
At the meeting, gender equality Issues related to increasing women's participation in various sectors and protecting women from violence in conflict situations were discussed and consulted. In addition, the two organizations agreed to establish a long-term relationship and cooperate at the meeting.
A member of the coordination unit of the Myanmar Women's Parliamentarians Network, Daw Aye Mya Mya Myo, also gave a briefing on the network, and the network's spokesperson, Daw Myat Thida Tun, discussed the upcoming process.
At the meeting, the Secretary General of the Sri Lankan Parliament, Ms. Kushani Rohanadreera also attended the discussion.
Hon. (Dr.) Sudarshini Femandopulle, President of Women's Hluttaw Representatives, attended the meeting with 12 members, including Vice President Hon. (Dr.) Seetha Arambepola and Hon.(Mrs.) Rohini Kumari Wijerathna attended, as well as Myanmar Women's Hluttaw Representatives Network, member of the coordination unit, Daw Aye Mya Mya Myo. 66 members of the network attended, including spokesperson Daw Myat Thida Tun and member Daw Alvalin.