“Let's completely drive out the crazy military regimes who rely on weapons and oppress them with the spring Revolution.”
The spirit of Seven July has been passed down from generation to generation, Loving the truth and not losing the spirit, The message sent by the representative committee of the Pyihtaungsu Hluttaw on the 61st anniversary of Seven July Day is that “let's completely drive out the crazy military regimes that have been oppressing the country and the nation with weapons and violence for all ages based on the spirit of steel”.
Through this message, they said, they bowed to the martyrs and heroes who died in the Spring Revolution along with the martyrs who died in the Seven July.
The Seven July incident has had a great impact on students from previous generations to this day and has been left in history as a great resentment of students against military rulers.
The student union has produced many leaders in the history of Myanmar's independence.
CRPH said that the patriotism of young students towards the country and the nation is worthy of respect and imitation.