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The Coup Army Burns Civilian Dead Bodies Inside Their Homes in Loikaw

Residents report that the coup army has been burning dead bodies inside homes in the Minelon Ward of Loikaw, the capital of Myanmar's Karenni State. The army has been stationed in Minelon Ward since June. During the last week of July, five people and twelve people were killed separately at different times.

It is unclear whether the burned bodies were those of the people who were killed or those who died in the battle, but if the bodies were burned, the rest of the neighborhood would not be able to live there due to the pungent smell, according to a resident living nearby.

Since the brutal coup, the army has been arresting and killing supporters and revolutionary forces captured in July without interrogation. Local people speculate that the burned corpses might be those of these individuals.

The coup army is burning dead bodies in the Minelon and Doukhu neighborhoods of Loikaw city. A resident who witnessed the events said that no cries were heard. The army, along with thieves, has been stationed in mansions and is taking belongings from the houses. A local witness said that after removing all the belongings from a house, the dead bodies were placed inside and the house was set on fire.

The Karenni National Defence Force (KNDF), the most powerful revolutionary group in Karenni State, reported that the coup army burned and destroyed more than 60 houses in Minelon Ward of Loikaw from July 1 to 27.

Local sources reported that fighting has been occurring almost simultaneously in Minelon Ward, Doukhu Ward, Htudungantha Ward, the Government Technological College (GTC), and Myakalat Taung between local resistance groups and the army, with these neighborhoods still not having been entered.


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