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Four Yangon Activists Tortured During Military Council Interrogations, Says Alumni Group

The University Students' Unions Alumni Force announced on September 21 that four leaders of public movements in Yangon were arrested and tortured during interrogation by the Military Council.

The arrested individuals include Ko Zaw Lin Htut, a co-founder of the University Students' Unions Alumni Force and a freelance photojournalist, also known as Pho Thar; Aung Min Khaing, alias Mell Gyi, a leader of the Youth Strike Committee (YSC); Ma Mya Myintzu, a member of YSC; and former political prisoner Ma Hnin Ei Khaing.

Ko Zaw Lin Htut, Ma Mya Myintzu, and Ma Hnin Ei Khaing were previously detained for opposing the 2021 military coup and were released. Their recent re-arrest has raised concerns among former political prisoners.

"I became more worried when I heard they had been re-arrested. The military council might increase their scrutiny of former prisoners," a former political prisoner told the BBC.


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