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East Timor condemns Myanmar military junta’s expulsion of top diplomat.

East Timor condemns Myanmar military junta’s expulsion of top diplomat.

The government of East Timor issued a statement today condemning that Myanmar's military coup council has ordered East Timor's top diplomat to leave the country. In this statement, despite the expulsion of the diplomat, East Timor will continue to stand with the Myanmar People while urging the Military Junta to respect human rights and seek a peaceful and constructive solution to the crisis and East Timor, like the United Nations and ASEAN member countries, must support all efforts to return Myanmar to the path of democracy.

The military junta announced that East Timor was expelling the diplomat in retaliation for the government of East Timor holding meetings with the National Unity Government (NUG).

East Timor government spokesman Minister Agio Pereira said, "The government of East Timor believes that the Myanmar crisis can be resolved only through dialogue and consideration of the will of the people." In East Timor’s statement, the Myanmar issue is a matter of global concern. Since the military coup, Myanmar has been in an economic crisis and need of humanitarian aid. East Timor is a country that is strongly criticized on the international page regarding the Myanmar issue. At the recent swearing-in ceremony of the new government of East Timor, the military council was not invited, but the NUG foreign ministers were invited, and there are ongoing discussions with the NUG ministers.

East Timor, which has been trying to become a member of ASEAN for a decade, is questioning ASEAN's ability to deal with Myanmar and said that East Timor will join as a member of ASEAN only after the Myanmar issue is resolved.


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