Karenni State (Kayah State) Mobye Township and areas on the east side of Pekhon City were hit by a strong windstorm and heavy rain accompanied by hail, causing extensive damage to the huts and crops of local people and refugees, including civil defense forces.
On the 1st of May, in the areas around Mobye and on the east bank of Pekhon, the local defense forces' huts and some supplies were destroyed in the forest, as well as the rain shelters and rice crops of war refugees were damaged, and the roofs of some houses in the villages were damaged, according to some residents and public defense forces.

Reportedly, there are at least 1,500 people who have been displaced in the vicinity of the region where the strong winds and heavy rains hit today, and it is not yet known how many houses were damaged and how much rice was damaged.

"Due to the heavy rain and hail, here and there has been ruined. At the moment, everything is not yet known, but the current situation is that roofs are leaking, and hail is falling into the house. Especially the villages around Mobye. The revolutionary soldiers in the forest are facing this problem," said a member of the People's Defense Forces.
Due to the heavy rain today, the people who fled the army and the people defense forces in the forest, including umbrellas, have materials to protect them from the rain and wind. Basic food is said to be in need. Because the storms hit in a patchy pattern, there could be more damage in the areas where strong winds hit, said a person helping to avoid war in the eastern part of Mobye.
On April 22, the shelters of more than 700 evacuee households were damaged due to a heavy wind attack in Pekhon, and 60 percent of the shelters of about 450 households in Mobye were damaged and the shelters are in urgent need of repair, said those helping the evacuees.
On April 24, fierce fighting broke out between the two armies at the junction of Pekhon and PinLaung for almost the whole day, and it was reported that the military junta suffered many deaths. On April 26, Mobye, It is reported that the fighting between the military junta troops stationed in the Nyaung Wine and the Karenni coalition forces has been intense, and currently, the military tension is still going on in Pekhon and Mobye.
In Karenni State and southern Shan State, the battles between the Karenni Joint Forces and the Military junta forces are raging, and around 250,000 civilians are reportedly fleeing the war.