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Ambassador U Kyaw Moe Tun urged not to sell arms to military dictators at the United Nations meeting

Ambassador U Kyaw Moe Tun urged not to sell arms to military dictators at the United Nations meeting.

Yesterday, April 4th, at the meeting of the United Nations Disarmament Commission held at the United Nations headquarters in New York City, he said, "Controlling the sale of arms to the Myanmar military saved the lives of the Burmese citizens."

Ambassador U Kyaw Moe Tun asked at the United Nations meeting held yesterday, April 5th, that countries that are responsible for using weapons to torture and kill their citizens, not for the defense of the country, should refrain from selling weapons.

The flow of weapons to the Burmese military army has cost the lives of innocent Burmese citizens. After the coup, more than 3,200 people, including women and children, lost their lives due to the military's killings. The ambassador said that more than 62,000 homes were damaged due to arson.

The weapons and munitions that have arrived to the Burmese military are aerial bombardment. He said that no responsible country would sell arms to any dictator who encouraged the brutality committed by the military against the innocent Myanmar people, including shooting with heavy weapons, and used weapons not to defend the country but to kill and torture citizens who oppose the military.

The people of Burma have also spoken on behalf of all the people that they are asking the military council to stop arms sales to countries that are exporting weapons.

The Myanmar military is not transparent about the rules and regulations that must be followed for the operation of the nuclear plant. Ambassador U Kyaw Moe Tun, Myanmar's Permanent Representative to the United Nations, has urged the international community to pay close attention to the Myanmar military's efforts to build a small-scale nuclear power plant, as it ignores the rule of law without management systems and does not comply with international laws, including international humanitarian law.

2021 in Myanmar, if the illegal military coup attempt had not occurred, the Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons (TPNW) would have been ratified and signed, and the IAEA additional treaties signed by Myanmar would also be in force.

As a country that is suffering from the inhumane acts committed by the Burmese military army against its people, we understand very well the loss of life caused by weapons and the threat to regional security.

Myanmar's military has been buying military equipment from Russia since 2014. U.S. State Department adviser, Derek Chollet, said last February that the United States is not worried about Russia sending weapons to the Burmese military council and will find a way to take strict measures to make it more difficult for the military council to obtain weapons.

Justice For Myanmar, which monitors and records human rights violations, said that India's state-owned military arms company Yantra India Limited violated international law in 2022. On March 1, it was announced that a large number of 122 mm cannons were sold to the Myanmar military in October.


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